5 Reasons Your Business Should Be Texting

Below are our top 5 reasons you should be texting. And no, we’re not talking about texting your mother.
(You should call your mother, not text her….)

We’re talking about texting for business and why you should be using it. Texting for business, also called mobile messaging is premium marketing and communications channel that instantly reaches the user via text message on their mobile phone, opening the lines of texting communication with that user. Mobile messaging can be used as a marketing tool or an integrated solution to current operations. Individual and group messaging is a feature as well as the ability to conduct two way conversations and automate workflow through text message triggers. There’s a lot to unpack with mobile messaging, so if you’d like to cover the basic information, you can do so here: Text Messaging 101

Ok, on to our top 5 reasons why you should be texting:

Number 5: It’s Expected in 2021

Much like the old days (the 90’s) when the internet was catching fire, and if your business didn’t have a website, well, you weren’t credible. The same thing is happening with text messaging – users spend so much time on their phones that it’s becoming a prominent request for business communications.

The question used to be, ‘What’s your website?’. That is shifting to ‘What’s your keyword?’ (Actually, What IS your keyword?) To further back up this expectation, here are some current statistics:

  • 3.8 billion people own a smartphone. That’s billion. with a B.
  • 75% of customers want to receive offers via text message

Number 4: Speed:

Texting is the fastest, most efficient way for a business to reach it’s customers – AND solicit instant feedback. Reach all of your customers in an instant, via their most trusted device.

  • 90% of text messages are opened and read within 3 minutes
  • Average response time is 90 seconds
  • The brevity of a text message appears to today’s fast-paced life
  • Instant opt-ins with Text-in Keywords

Number 3: Performance:

The stats say it all, we don’t need to add much to this number 3 reason why you should be texting:

  • 75% of clients want to receive offers via SMS.
  • The CTR rate for offer messages is higher by 9.18% compared to any other digital channel.
  • SMS has a 98% open rate compared to email marketing.
  • 98% of text messages are read within 3 minutes
  • 66% of Americans check their phone 160 times per day
  • 65% of US mobile owners SLEEP with their device
  • 48.7 million consumers opted in to receive texts in 2020

Number 2: Convenience

99% of all mobile phones have the ability to text by default. That means there is no app to download, no service to sign up for, and nothing standing between you and your customers most trusted device – their mobile phone.

Number 1: Where is your phone right now?

We bet you know exactly where it is, possibly even in your hand as you as reading this.
The number one reason you should be using texting messaging is simply the fact that the majority of the consumers have a mobile phone, and for better or worse, they all know where their phone is at all times. It’s the most intimate and immediate channel of communication you can have with your customer.

In addition to being a premium marketing channel, text messaging can be integrated into your business’ operations to automate workflows, streamline user tasks and even generate new revenue streams. With integrated solutions, you can:

  • Automate workflows
  • Streamline user tasks
  • Personalized messaging

Texting is rapidly becoming the most preferred communication method, as well as the best performing marketing channel among business. See how some brands are using mobile messaging.

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